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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Epilepsy Awareness Day: May 27 2012 Hillsborough Vineyards

Epilepsy is a condition that affects so many. Over 4% of people worldwide contend with it on a regular basis. Our friends, our neighbors, loved ones, people we know, and others we have yet to meet. Wines. That UB 40 song "Red Red Wine" was so popular, and over the past few years, Virginia has been ramping it up with regards to, establishing wines that are on par with California domestically, or Australia and France on an international basis. Hillsborough Vineyards is the best of Virginia, at least in my opinion, and I've greatly enjoyed their wine. Yet what makes me appreciate them at their point of production in Purcellville, VA, is the Baki family. Their love of not only their products, but also of the people that visit their location daily, is what left me thrilled. Go there and look at the site. I am inspired by people with epilepsy every single day, as they keep me going, and remind me of the very definition of resilience. They don't give up. Regardless of what causes their epilepsy, whether it being a person was born with it, there's another medical condition causing it, an accident, or unknown, its a serious concern. It is now a major one with soldiers and Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI), along with all of us, who are just one step away from having a seizure. That's right, one in ten of us are going to have a seizure. For all of the jokes about being hit by lightning, there's a very good chance you are going to personally experience this in your lifetime.

That's not meant to frighten, but rather to enlighten. Abnormal electrical activity to the pain, is quite common, and epilepsy awareness is beyond important. It was an honor to walk with those who have epilepsy at the National Epilepsy Walk in Washington D.C. a little over a month ago. The Epilepsy Foundation of America is working hard to find that cure, as are the folks at the National Institutes of Health, where only 1/2 of 1% of U.S. medical research goes towards this condition. Let's crank that needle up a bit, by continuing to support the Epilepsy Foundation, and those who have epilepsy, true warriors they are, by attending Epilepsy Awareness Day at Hillsbourough Vineyards on May 27th 2012. Its a beautiful location, the family will introduce you on a host of wines, and they are so generous, so truly kind to have this day and help out so many. The Baki family's hearts are all in the right place, as is their dedication to making Virginia the home of wines that you must discover.

Come on down May 27 2012 from 11 am-almost 5 pm. There's a facebook wall for this winery, and some of us have thanked them. I hope more shall, as they are truly phenomenal folks at this beautiful vineyard, that's located close to D.C., yet seems so far away from that asphalt zone. Its a serene, peaceful place. Many of us have lost a child to seizures. I have and miss my son Tommy everyday. In honor of these children, and adults that have gone to God far too early, let's do our part. Drink some wine, bring your family to Epilepsy Awareness Day, and help out a cause that is approved and supported by the Epilepsy Foundation of America. Not only will you be drinking a glass of wine, but you will meet true champions, families that contend with epilepsy, and yet refuse to yield, but rather stand up and fight with true love and passion, that cannot be measured by anything known to mankind.

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